Dr. Claudio Cerullo

National Anti-Bullying / Culture and Certified DEIB Expert


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Dr Claudio Cerullo


Dr. Cerullo is an internationally recognized authority on Anti-Bullying, bringing decades of experience and expertise to the field. He has conducted numerous workshops and training sessions for educators, administrators, and professionals, focusing on critical areas such as Classroom Management, Student Behavior Modification, and Character Education. His work has been instrumental in developing and implementing comprehensive School Violence Prevention programs for K-12 institutions, ensuring safer and more inclusive learning environments.

Beyond K-12 education, Dr. Cerullo’s expertise also extends to higher education and workplace environments. He addresses complex issues related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in these settings, offering tailored strategies and interventions that promote respect, inclusivity, and a positive culture. His contributions have significantly impacted how institutions approach prevention and response, making him a sought-after speaker and consultant worldwide.


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Bullying Prevention and Strategy Interventions

Dr. Claudio Cerullo is widely recognized as one of the nation’s foremost authorities on anti-bullying, he has created a robust and comprehensive five-module program designed to address and mitigate the complex issues related to school climate and culture that arise from the pervasive public health issue of bullying. His program is meticulously structured to benefit schools, organizations, and districts at all educational levels, offering a well-rounded approach to bullying prevention and intervention.

The program is rooted in a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of bullying, providing participants with foundational knowledge that is both research-based and practical. Dr. Cerullo’s approach emphasizes the importance of equipping key stakeholders—parents, teachers, school leaders, and safety teams—with the tools and strategies they need to prevent bullying and offer meaningful support to those who have been impacted by it. By enhancing the preparedness of these groups, the program aims to foster a safer, more supportive educational environment for all students.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the modules:

1. What is Bullying and What is it not?

This module delves into the definition of bullying, distinguishing it from other forms of negative behavior. It clarifies common misconceptions, helping participants understand the specific characteristics that constitute bullying and those that do not.

2. Predictive and Protective Factors Associated with School Bullying
3. Intervention for Bullying in Schools
4. Group and Individual Interventions and Federal Law Related to Bullying
5. A Closer Look at Cyberbullying, Harassment, and Intimidation
6. Resources and Case Studies

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Belonging is a fundamental human need that significantly impacts an individual's well-being and productivity. In diverse environments, creating a sense of belonging can be challenging but essential. Culture programming offers a strategic approach to bridge cultural differences and build inclusive communities.

Culture and DEIB Programming for Leaders:

Creating A Safe and Inclusive Environment

The first part of the program you will learn how to:
Check Button Creating a strong culture and climate focus on safety and inclusion by:
Check Button Reinforcing positive behavior by complimenting the strengths and individual contributions of all team members to help them feel valued.
Check Button Establishing clear agreements, rituals, reward systems, and norms.
Check Button Learning how a Seat to Understand is used.
Check Button Working to implement restorative practices as an alternative approach to discipline, which allows team members to gain a better understanding of how their actions impacted others; and
Check Button Making a space for team members to share and seek support.
Check Button Develop a consistent and clear line of communication.
Check Button Create a welcoming environment for team members.
Check Button Harassment and Intimidation Behavior

Transforming the Physical Environment to Promote Community

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives are frequently associated with corporate settings. Still, any organization—such as schools, nonprofits, government agencies, law firms, and hospitals—can benefit from the expertise of a DEIB consultant.

DEIB Programming in the Workplace

Check Button Define diversity, equity, and Inclusion.
Check Button Understand what unconscious biases are.
Check Button Learn methods to create a DEIB culture.
Check Button Identify ways to encourage DEIB and discourage discrimination.
Check Button Gain an understanding of the benefits of DEIB in business.
Check Button Learn strategies to develop, evaluate, and maintain an effective DEIB program.
Check Button Know how to effectively create and support a workplace of allies that foster belonging.
Check Button Learn how to identify microaggressions and keep them out of the workplace.
Check Button Understand the proper way to respond to complaints and reach a resolution.

Beyond his educational program, Dr. Cerullo is deeply involved in advocacy work and the development of public policy related to bullying. He works with schools and organizations at both the local and state levels to shape policies that foster safer environments for students. His advocacy efforts are geared towards ensuring that institutions are not only reactive but also proactive in addressing bullying and its associated challenges.

Through his combined efforts in education, advocacy, and policy development, Dr. Cerullo is making a significant impact on the fight against bullying, helping to create safer, more inclusive environments where all students and adults can thrive.


Elevate Your Mind


Dr. Cerullo’s schedule for the year is filling up fast…Call to book Dr. Cerullo or for free information on our consultation services and pricing, today!  610-810-1659

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Dr. Claudio Cerullo

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Teach Anti-Bullying

Dr. Claudio Cerullo, established Teach Anti-Bullying, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) in 2011
